Dr Stephen Adams-Langley

D. Psych. M.A. UKCP REG. GPsyC MBACP (Snr. Accred) AD.DIP.ExPsych. UKRC REG.





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One of the most difficult tasks in living is to have a functional, meaningful and intimate relationship with another person.


Couples present with many different issues.  These may include repetitive arguments, conflict and unhappiness. There may be a loss of sexual desire, infertility and betrayal through affairs.


How therapy can help


The focus of therapy is to enable couples to communicate their thoughts, feelings and emotions and reach a resolution on overcoming the difficulties and feelings which may threaten the survival of the relationship.


It is not unusual for one partner in a relationship to be reluctant to engage in couple counselling, but a first session can often provide reassurance and a sense of the positive aspects of communicating, listening and understanding the difficulties which have occurred.


My aim is to facilitate and enhance communication, listening and care. I attend to the angry and resentful issues which can be a pattern where partners have stopped listening to each other and have withdrawn from the relationship.


Often it is difficult to understand what is happening when a relationship is in crisis or has broken down or is just simply difficult. Couple counselling/therapy can be an excellent place to explore and understand this aspect of our lives.

SAL Therapy

Please feel free to contact me for a confidential discussion, for further clarification, or to book a first session.